How long does an assault charge stay on my record in Washington State?

There is practically no complete “expungement” in Washington State Washington State has very limited, to put it mildly, expungement (physical, complete destruction of the court file and all government computer records).  It is in fact almost nonexistent in Washington State (e.g., a DUI can never be vacated or otherwise removed from one’s record in Washington … Read more

How Long does a DV Charge stay on my Record in Washington State?

How Long does a DV Charge stay on my Record in Washington State? There is practically no complete “expungement” in Washington State Washington State has very limited, to put it mildly, expungement (physical, complete destruction of the court file and all government computer records).  It is in fact almost nonexistent in Washington State (e.g., a … Read more

4th of July Drunk Driving

4th of July Drunk Driving The 4th of July Drunk Driving is a big problem in America! In fact, the holiday season is one of the very most dangerous times to drink and drive or even be on the road. Driving Under the Influence of drugs and/or alcohol is a serious crime in Washington State, … Read more

Can my Washington State DUI be removed from my record?

You will probably not like what you are about to read unless you are a member of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving),  A DUI conviction stays on your record permanently in Washington State. It cannot be expunged, vacated or sealed – you’re stuck with it. This can have various adverse consequences. It can and … Read more

Holiday DUI Blues?

Arrested for DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs)?  Don’t panic – get help.  We understand you’re worried about jail, loss of driver’s license, employment, your car, your reputation and burdensome obligations. You should have an independent test done of your blood ASAP and contact an experienced Washington State DUI defense attorney right … Read more

House Bill 1614: Changes to Washington’s DUI Laws

The Washington State Legislature was busy last year — creating new laws and changing existing ones in order to strengthen the laws surrounding DUI. House Bill 1614 passed — resulting in changes to areas of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) that concern vacating criminal records, mandatory arrest, Ignition Interlock requirements and driver’s license suspension. … Read more

Mandatory Washington DUI Probation Violation Penalties

DUI sentencing courts impose a number of standard, and sometimes even case-specific, conditions upon a defendant upon DUI conviction. Some are affirmative conditions (to pay fines, complete an alcohol/drug evaluation, participate in alcohol/drug treatment or mental health treatment when applicable, and attend DUI victims panel. Others are prohibitive, like don’t commit law violations, don’t consume … Read more

What’s the worst that can happen if you get arrested for DUI and talk to the police without an attorney? “In August 1971 an ordinary London policeman arrested a man who was driving drunkenly down Tottenham Court Road. He turned out to be Oleg Lyalin who was a KGB agent. […] Lyalin panicked and offered to tell MI5 the names of all the Russian spies in Britain. […] the Home Secretary expelled 105 other members … Read more

Increased focus on DUI patrols today.

There is usually a major surge in DUI arrests on this day, possibly triggered by a specific sporting event that is notoriously litigious against anyone else using their name. Think how annoyed you would be if you had to work today, and had a chance to give tickets (Traffic tickets, not Stadium tickets!) to the … Read more